
On Trump and Social Media

This is an article from the New Yorker, from an issue I brought along on my current trip to London, published before the election.

Now, I hate to give people like Cernovich this publicity, even if it’s bad publicity, but people need to know this stuff is going on. This article is about a man who seems to be one of the leaders of the alt-right movement in America. He started out as a lawyer, and has learned how to use social media to his advantage. The way he and others like him spread misinformation like viruses makes me …

Writing Prompt: Temple

Prompt (Image): Temple

Link to original post on /r/WritingPrompts


Ethan’s mind was in a haze as he trudged up the last steps of the perilous path to the heart of the temple. The stones that made up the stairs were crumbling and he couldn’t trust his footing, but he ascended them mindlessly, making a series of quick educated guesses. He didn’t have the willpower for anything else, having traveled for days over the most perilous terrain that he’d ever encountered as an explorer, and on top of it all, he had lost John in the process. John had fallen off …

You CAN be a Self-Confident Introvert!

I finished Felicia Day’s book today, You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)… it makes me sad. I want more! I want to be her friend! 🙁

For those who don’t know, Felicia Day is an actress who has been in a few popular sci-fi and fantasy TV shows. But she is most known for writing the popular web series The Guild. If you haven’t seen it and want to watch a hilarious show about a group of online gamers meeting up in real life, I highly recommend it.

Something that made me think a bit was just …

The Last Moon Elf: Chapter 22

The Last Moon Elf - Map of WorldLink to the full-sized map

Link to Chapter 1 – Previous Chapter

“Damien?” Whiskey said in disbelief.

Rain could only stare in hatred, thinking of how he’d killed Arok’Amon.

“Oh that’s right,” the Demonmaster hissed. “You don’t know yet, do you, Wizard? It’s Dar’Quath.”

Taking advantage of his surprise, Dar’Quath threw his hands forward at Whiskey, who immediately dropped to his knees, shouting in agony.

Her uneasiness at hurting another being with magic vanished at the sight of Whiskey in pain. Remembering their previous fight, she gathered red energy in her palms and quickly released a bolt at Dar’Quath. She …

The Last Moon Elf: Chapter 21

The Last Moon Elf - Map of WorldLink to the full-sized map

Link to Chapter 1 – Previous Chapter – Next Chapter

They raced across the plains at a gallop with Maruck and Gralin in the lead and Tamrin and Rain following close behind. The clouds looked much like they had when she first came: dark and foreboding. The stale smell from before was also there, blown around by the wind. They’d make it to the door in time, but she was worried that the rain would come before the soldiers could return to Dolmeria.

They took one stop for water. To her surprise, Maruck took an …

The Last Moon Elf: Chapter 20

The Last Moon Elf - Map of WorldLink to the full-sized map

Link to Chapter 1 – Previous Chapter – Next Chapter

Once they returned to the healer’s home, the guards left for their barracks and Faramond went back to the Crone to tell her what had happened. Rain sat at the table with another cup of tea. Lynara stood at her book stand, pouring over the book an elf had died for.

Rain tried not to think about what had happened and sipped the aromatic tea for something to do. As she drank the last of her cup, she looked over at Lynara, who hadn’t budged …

The Last Moon Elf: Chapter 19

The Last Moon Elf - Map of WorldLink to the full-sized map

Link to Chapter 1 – Previous Chapter – Next Chapter

Outside, the wind howled and sent cold gusts rippling through their clothes as they rushed forward. Thunder rumbled overhead. A flash of lightning was visible in the distance, and in that brief second of light, black clouds churned.

“Quickly, Great Mother! We don’t have much time until the rain starts!” Faramond yelled above the noise of the storm. They all picked up their pace.

They followed him to an enormous building along the outside ring of the plaza. The front doors were two or three …

The Last Moon Elf: Chapter 18

The Last Moon Elf - Map of WorldLink to the full-sized map

Link to Chapter 1 – Previous Chapter – Next Chapter

Rain moved backward at the last moment, and for a split second she felt the awful, piercing pain. But Dar’Quath hadn’t expected her move and fell forward, losing his concentration. Seizing her small window of opportunity, she ran to the back of the room to the door.

Rough hands on her shoulders spun her around and pushed her against the door. Dar’Quath forced his hand around her throat, not quite choking her, but not letting her look away from his eyes, dark pits of fear. …

Taking Action as a Woman in Tech

I recently read this blog post by Lea Verou, a Research Assistant at MIT and an Invited Expert in the W3C CSS Working Group. She talks about how many outspoken women in tech paint a bleak picture of sexism in the industry, but she doesn’t feel it to be true for herself. She’s never felt less respected or unfairly treated due to her gender. She goes into how sometimes people can be quick to assume any criticism is due to their gender, and not their abilities.

This blog post spoke to me because it reflects exactly how I feel about …

The Last Moon Elf: Chapter 17

The Last Moon Elf - Map of WorldLink to the full-sized map

Link to Chapter 1 – Previous Chapter – Next Chapter

Rain clutched Pan’s reins in a death grip as they descended the steep switchbacked path into the darkness below. Despite the rough bark of the torch, she held it tightly in her other hand. The incessant noise of hundreds of ravens chilled her to the bone as they hurried down the winding slope for the cover of the trees.

A small group of the birds seemed to be catching up to them. Pan nearly tripped as he rushed on, barely slowing at each switchback turn, …