

In a few weeks, things are going to change yet again for me. When this has happened in the past, it has always been because of a move, or a change of school, or both. At those times, I could count on frequently being around certain people: classmates, family, and in university, flatmates. I was either at home with people or at school with people. Especially at university, you’re very likely to get along with your classmates or your flatmates (though you could be unlucky), since you have something in common and are around each other so frequently. Being young

Why I Read

Fiction, in particular. I thought I’d write another post in the same vein as my last one. I have a number of friends who don’t read fiction, or don’t read at all. I’ll explain my own interest in the genre, and maybe it will inspire someone to start. 

Some people say the only reason people read fiction is escapism. Life is hard, and the only way to enjoy it sometimes is to live in a different one. This may be true at times for me, but it is by no means the main reason I read fiction. This morning I

Why I Write

Yet again, I felt like I’ve been patted on the head and told, “How cute, you write!” It’s inescapable as a writer. When it happens, I’m more bothered than I probably should be, and so I’d like to explain my thoughts on the matter. Perhaps it’ll help clear my head.

Let me first say that when you have a friend that writes, encourage them. It does not matter how good they are, or what they write. The simple fact is that if they continue writing–and reading–they’ll get better. If they persevere enough, they may even go somewhere with it. I …

First Impressions

The first week at work, and first full week at my new flat, has been great. I can tell I’m going to be spoiled living here, I won’t want anything less when I find a new place at the end of the summer. I had a flatwarming party last night, mostly with friends from university, which was excellent. Good food, good drink, good banter. Not to mention good cookies. I’m probably a bit too proud of them, I should stop mentioning them…

Despite the longer commute than I expected, work has been good and I can tell will continue to …


My post-university life–new flat, new job, new friends–has started to take shape (though I won’t officially “graduate” until the end of June). I moved out of university accommodation yesterday, and have spent today finishing unpacking and taking full advantage of my very own kitchen. I bought sesame bagels yesterday on a whim, and for lunch today had one toasted with cheese, pepperoni, and salami. I also went shopping for baking tools like measuring spoons and mixing bowls, and finally made a batch of my favorite chocolate chip cookies, for the first time in at least a year. I’ve mentioned these …


Summer has come to Glasgow. Surprisingly, it’s not just a day, but a week of blazing sun. I’ve been out to the park frequently, and so has everyone else. The place is packed like a beach, with people tanning, reading, kicking around footballs (soccer balls), getting ice cream from a van that must be making a fortune, and playing music whether the people around them enjoy it or not. I’ve enjoyed it, but since I got a bit of a burn a couple of days ago I’ve been avoiding direct sunlight. Today it’s finally cloudy, but it’s still quite warm. …

A Full Education

A lot has been happening. I’m taking my final exams, I’ve had 6 and have 3 left. Two this Friday, and the last one the following Thursday. I had 9 exams in the spring last year as well, but somehow this year it feels even more dragged out. When I was about halfway through them, I never wanted to see an exam again… but I’ve been dealing with that feeling by doing equal amounts of studying and playing Skyrim. It’s only a few more, and then, I’ll never take a university exam again. I’m graduating in June.

Sometimes, I think …

Building A PC: Part 2

As some of you may know, I’ve already put the computer together that I mentioned in Part 1 and it’s running smoothly. I’m finally getting around to telling you how. I didn’t take quite as many pictures as would be ideal if I want non-techie people to understand, but I will try to make up for this with explanations.

After unwrapping it all (which, I admit, felt like Christmas), the first step was to put the processor and its fan on the motherboard, as you can see pictured (click the pictures to see them larger!). Make sure to place …

Building A PC: Part 1

I have recently decided to build a new computer. I have reasons for why I’m doing it before my exams are over, as well as reasons for why I’m building it myself, but I’d rather talk about the latter. I am aiming to write these posts about my new computer not only for tech-savvy readers, but for anyone who is interested. So I apologize if you know some of this already. This blog was partly inspired by Coding Horror’s popular series of posts. Take a look at them if you want more pictures of pretty PC parts.

Building has many …


On Friday, my class and I turned in our dissertations. It was such a relief. Since exams don’t start for about a month, it’s as if I went from having no time for anything but work to having no idea what to do with myself. I have a few small projects in mind though, including writing a bunch of blog posts that I’ve been beind on. I have another book review and at least one post I want to make about the new computer I put together. Look for them soon!

I might also buy A Game of Thrones, …