
Experiences with Anxiety and Depression

For me, learning to handle my depression has been like fighting my base instincts. The difficult thing is, I can’t fight it, fighting it doesn’t help, I have to accept it and move through it, not around it. My analytical mind, which I pride myself on at work, works against me when it comes to emotions. Trying to figure out why I’m so anxious, or so down, leads me to trying to “fix” it, which often results in no helpful outcome, and instead sends me into a self-critical downward spiral. My biggest lesson at my therapist recently was learning to …

Reflections on Grief

This month marks one year since my mom Maria died, and I feel like sharing.

It’s been one of the hardest years of my life, to be honest. It hasn’t been without its ups, of course (I’m engaged and making wedding plans!), but I’ve had more downs than I care to think about. Ups don’t counteract downs. They just kind of… coexist.

My grief is triggered by seemingly random things sometimes and it can be intense when it happens.

One example: last year at Sasquatch in late May, I was watching Florence & The Machine on the main stage. She …