
A Sunny Seattle Morning

Every single day on my way to work, I am reminded of how glad I am to be in Seattle. To be working downtown, especially. There is a small bridge my bus goes over that has a fantastic view of the city skyline, be there rain or fog or sun. Once we get downtown, there are cafes open along every street–not all of them Starbucks–serving coffee or pastries or other goodies. Particularly on days like today, when it’s sunny, the city is out in all its glory in the morning. It’s true, the dreariness of the usual clouds are so very worth it when the sun comes out. Even in the cold, people have their collars turned up and scarves wound tight, but they’re always smiling. It feels like such a happy place.

This morning, instead of going to work, all I want to do is go for a nice long walk in the chilly (but sunny) air, and then sit in a cafe with a pastry and a coffee and read, or perhaps write… I want to get lost in the moment and appreciate the world around me. This post is all I have time for, though, and it will have to do.

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