
Posting and Programming

So, you know, apparently I can’t post every day. We’ll just have to settle for occasional bursts of posts.

I don’t go back on all my promises on this blog though, as you can see on the left sidebar, I’ve now reached 25 solved problems on Project Euler, and hit their “Level 1”. I consider this a good accomplishment, as some of these problems are pretty tricky. I do get help when I can’t figure it out, but for the most part I try to solve them on my own.

Are you too lazy or too busy?

Yes, this was indeed a question on the site. Regarding posting? I must be lazy. Something about finishing work and just wanting to go home, and once I’m home just wanting to play video games and chill out. Same reason why the editing of my book hasn’t been happening yet. I thought I would have time this summer–and technically I do–but who wants to work all day and then come home just to do something equally as mentally challenging? Only the strong-willed, I suppose. I can be, but not all the time.

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